I’m quite happy to report that I’ve somehow been doing the things I listed in my I’m back  blog.  I’ve limited my hours of work, just 5 hours in the morning and 5 hours in the evening (at most) and maybe, a couple of hours on weekends.  I’ve blogged at least once per week (although last week was on my other blog).  I’ve tried out a new recipe, Cinnamon-Walnut Cake. And I’ve finished a book. Yey!

A lot of things have been said about Eat, Pray, Love, both the book and the movie.  I never read any of the reviews, nor have I watched the movie.  I have heard that it was very good though and it was about the author’s self searching.

This is a great book.  It is very well-written and the author is a fantastic storyteller. I found myself laughing out loud while reading the book.  I have to admit though, that of the three places she visited – Italy, India, Indonesia, the one I would like most to go to is Italy.  I love great food and I would like to enjoy simple pleasures. What can be more pleasurable than enjoying great food?

Seriously, it’s a wonderful journey Elizabeth Gilbert went on.  Not all of us have the opportunity to embark on a similar journey.  We can’t afford to take off for a year from our “real” lives. Heck, some of us can’t even afford to take a week off from work.  But it was like I went to those places just by reading her words.  This is really what I love most about reading, how we get transported to different worlds without leaving our homes.

Hopefully, I will get to visit Italy, probably when my children are grown.  If I do, I’ll tell you all about it. 🙂